Log-transformation data

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Log-transformation data

Post by cmzyece »

How do I log-transform data in GeNIe to reduce skewness of my probability distributions?
marek [BayesFusion]
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Re: Log-transformation data

Post by marek [BayesFusion] »

You can't do it in GeNIe. What you can do is transform your data in Excel by creating for a variable x a new variable/column named, e.g., log_x) and then save the file as .CSV and load it into GeNIe. You can use log_x instead of x in learning.
I hope this helps,

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:23 pm

Re: Log-transformation data

Post by cmzyece »

Thanks Marek. I will try that and get back if I need anymore help. Thanks again.

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