I recently discovered the possibility to activate/deactivate relevance reasoning in SMILE and promptly stumbled over some crashes.
It happened with other algorithms as well (eg EpisSampling) but one case that I have isolated is using Backsampling with noisy relevance reasoning enabled (EnableNoisyMAXRelevance). The application crashes when calling UpdateBeliefs. If I use Lauritzen, or don't enable noisy relevance, the inference runs fine.
I should say the model has a lot of noisyMAX nodes.
I also was able to reproduce the crash in GeNIe (setting DSL_NOISYMAXRELEVANCE=1 in the network's user properties). I press the lightning button and after a second Windows tells me that GeNIe 2.0 has stopped working.
Why does that happen? Is it a bug?
Regards & thanks in advance