nodeValue isn't valid

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nodeValue isn't valid

Post by nordic »

I've build a simple network up the scretch and want to perform inference with it. If i save it to disc and load with GeNIe everything is fine, but when I use the following code the line

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DSLNetwork.GetNode(_queryNodesIdx2[i])->Value()->IsValueValid() != DSL_OKAY
seems to be allways false... Can anyone tell me why? The Documentation says that the nodeValue::isValueValid() returns true if "The marginal probabilities of the node are known" (for a DSL_BELIEFVECTOR). After calling DSLNetwork.UpdateBeliefs I guessed the marginal probabilites would be known?

Thanks in advance,

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DSL_Dmatrix cptObjectClass;
    DSL_Dmatrix cptArea;
    vector<string> stateNamesObjectclass;
    vector<string> stateNamesArea;
    DSL_network DSLNetwork;

    // setup DSL reference network
    cptObjectClass[0] = 0.5;
    cptObjectClass[1] = 0.5;

    cptArea[0] = 0.4;
    cptArea[1] = 0.4;
    cptArea[2] = 0.2;
    cptArea[3] = 0;
    cptArea[4] = 0;
    cptArea[5] = 0;
    cptArea[6] = 0;
    cptArea[7] = 0.2;
    cptArea[8] = 0.4;
    cptArea[9] = 0.4;

    stateNamesObjectclass[0] = "Pier";
    stateNamesObjectclass[1] = "Wasser";
    stateNamesArea[0] = "state_1_below_16";
    stateNamesArea[1] = "state_2_16_44";
    stateNamesArea[2] = "state_3_44_372";
    stateNamesArea[3] = "state_4_372_31134";
    stateNamesArea[4] = "state_5_31134_up";

    int idxObjectclass = DSLNetwork.AddNode(DSL_CPT, "objectclass");
    int idxArea = DSLNetwork.AddNode(DSL_CPT, "Area");
    DSL_stringArray outcomesObjectclass;
    if( outcomesObjectclass.Add( "Pier") < 0 )
        std::perror( "Cannot add state names to node \"objectclass\"");
    if( !outcomesObjectclass.Add( "Wasser") < 0)
        std::perror( "Cannot add state names to node \"objectclass\"");

    DSL_stringArray outcomesArea;

    DSLNetwork.GetNode( DSLNetwork.FindNode("objectclass") )->Definition()->SetNumberOfOutcomes(outcomesObjectclass);
    DSLNetwork.GetNode( DSLNetwork.FindNode("Area") )->Definition()->SetNumberOfOutcomes(outcomesArea);
    DSLNetwork.AddArc( idxObjectclass, idxArea);
    DSLNetwork.GetNode( DSLNetwork.FindNode("objectclass") )->Definition()->SetDefinition(cptObjectClass);
    DSLNetwork.GetNode( DSLNetwork.FindNode("Area") )->Definition()->SetDefinition(cptArea);

    // setup inference parameter
    vector<int> _evidenceNodesIdx2;
    vector<int> _queryNodesIdx2;
    vector<int> _evidence2;
    vector<vector<double> > _beliefs2;


      // set Evidence
    for(int i=0; i< _evidenceNodesIdx2.size(); i++)
        if(DSLNetwork.GetNode(_evidenceNodesIdx2[i])->Value()->SetEvidence(_evidence2[i]) != DSL_OKAY)
            cout <<"\t\t\t" << ErrorH.GetLastErrorMessage() << endl;
            return 1;


    // do inference
    if( DSLNetwork.UpdateBeliefs() != DSL_OKAY)
        cout << "\t\t\t" << ErrorH.GetLastErrorMessage() << endl;
        return 1;

    // get beliefs
    vector< vector<double> > beliefs(_queryNodesIdx2.size());      // inner vector is still empty
    for(int i=0; i<_queryNodesIdx2.size(); i++)
        DSL_Dmatrix currentBeliefs( *(DSLNetwork.GetNode(_queryNodesIdx2[i])->Value()->GetMatrix()) );
        if( DSLNetwork.GetNode(_queryNodesIdx2[i])->Value()->IsValueValid() != DSL_OKAY )
            cout << "NodeValue of node with idx: " << _queryNodesIdx2[i] << " isn't valid " << endl;
            return 1;

        //convert into STL class
        (beliefs[i]).resize( currentBeliefs.GetSize() ); // init inner vector
        //iterate over all entries
        for(int j=0; j<currentBeliefs.GetSize(); ++j)
            beliefs[i][j] = currentBeliefs[j];

    //prepare for next inference
    if(DSLNetwork.ClearAllEvidence() != DSL_OKAY)
        cout <<"\t\t" << ErrorH.GetLastErrorMessage() << endl;
        return -1;

    // print beliefs
    cout << "current beliefs: " << endl;
    for(int i=0; i< beliefs.size(); ++i)
        for(int j=0; j <; ++j)
            cout << << " " << endl;

    // print reference
    cout << "refernce beliefs: " << endl;
    for(int i=0; i< _beliefs2.size(); ++i)
        for(int j=0; j <; ++j)
            cout << << " " << endl;

    return 0;
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Re: nodeValue isn't valid

Post by shooltz[BayesFusion] »

DSL_OKAY is zero, and you definitely should not compare it against the code returned from IsValueValid. Use this instead:

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if (DSLNetwork.GetNode(_queryNodesIdx2[i])->Value()->IsValueValid())
   // value is valid
   // value is not valid
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Re: nodeValue isn't valid

Post by nordic »

thanks, for the quick answer. I just saw that isValueValid() returns an int and thought comparing to zero would be logicall... by the way the intertial problem was a different, the calculated beliefs were wrong but tis turned out to be an mistake while specifying cptArea... I had to switch the dimensions from

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so I guess the dimensions have to be added in the same order like the parents of the node?
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Re: nodeValue isn't valid

Post by shooltz[BayesFusion] »

so I guess the dimensions have to be added in the same order like the parents of the node?
Yes, the dimensions in the DSL_cpt object representing node's conditional probabilities should be ordered as parents. The last dimension is the one representing node's outcomes. For example, if you have two parents with 5 and 3 states respectively, and the node itself has 7 outcomes, the dimensions would be [5, 3, 7].

For exploratory purposes you can always check the structure of the matrix with a call to node->Definition()->GetMatrix(), which returns a pointer to the existing CPT (for chance nodes). What follows is that instead of creating the DSL_Dmatrix with a series of AddDimension calls you can copy the existing matrix and fill it with new parameters. The structure of your program would look like this:
1) create nodes, set the outcomes, add arcs
2) to change the default probabilities, create a copy of the CPT, then call SetDefinition:

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DSL_Dmatrix newCpt(*node->Definition()->GetMatrix());
// the newCpt variable has the correct dimensions already
newCpt[0] = p0;
newCpt[n] = pN;
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