R and rSMILE

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R and rSMILE

rSMILE is distributed as a compiled R package. rSMILE binaries are available for R 3.x.

To install rSMILE, use install.packages:


Once the package is installed, use the library function to enable rSMILE functionality:


Your license key can be pasted directly into your R code, or read from the license file:



From December 2019 onwards, the licensing keys for R are generated in the format compatible with rSMILE and are ready to be used with rSMILE. If you obtained your SMILE licensing key before December 2019, your License.R file uses the syntax for jSMILE and rJava. To modify your licensing key, replace




Another required modification applies to the numeric part of the licensing key: replace .jbyte with as.integer. Please contact BayesFusion if you encounter any problems with the modification, or, if you're an academic user, generate new licensing key at our academic downloads site.