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Header file: valpolicyvalues.h

class DSL_policyValues : public DSL_discVal

DSL_policyValues class is derived from DSL_discVal. It provides a value implementation for decision nodes, which have definitions of DSL_decision type.

virtual int GetType() const;

Overridden method from DSL_nodeVal. Returns DSL_POLICYVALUES.

const DSL_Dmatrix& GetPolicyValues() const;

Returns a reference to the policy values matrix. Note that you do not need to cast DSL_nodeVal pointer obtained from DSL_node::Val to DSL_policyValues in order to get the posteriors. The methods GetMatrix and GetValue (declared in DSL_nodeVal) will return a pointer to the same DSL_Dmatrix object. GetPolicyValues is defined to provide a method with a name closely reflecting the Bayesian network terminology.

The matrix can be multi-dimensional if the node has value indexing parents. Indexing parents are are unobserved decision nodes that precede the current node or unobserved chance nodes that should have been observed. The last dimension of the matrix (or its only dimension, if there are no value indexing parents) is always equal to the number of node outcomes.